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Mechanical Design and Drafting


Intergraph Corporation

SURGICAD Design is a software package with an advanced set of graphicaldesign tools developed to assist medical device manufactures,biomechanical engineers and researchers, and surgeons in the design ofmedical devices and in the resolution of biomechanical and orthopedicproblems involving the anatomy. SURGICAD Design combines the volumefeatures of SURGICAD Model with an enhanced and integrated EMS for acomplete Image Volume and CAD Modeling capability. As an example themodels made from Computed Tomography (CT) slices. Features include: --System -- user interface for importing, exporting, and archiving data. -- Notes -- general notes and demographics attached to case (data set). -- Volume -- volume manager for editing, deleting, and displaying slicevolume information. -- 3-D -- multidimensional visualization softwarefor viewing images. -- Segment -- tool used for defining and selectingobjects. -- Solid -- a general case volume to surface creation of a NURBsurfaced solid model. -- HCAD -- HCAD is EMS-PP with a custom userinterface for SURGICAD.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: 32 MB memory, 120 MB disk space plus swap space.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Intergraph Corporation
1 Madison Industrial Pwy
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001
Phone: (205) 730-2000
Fax: (205) 730-7509